Sign of the zodiac: Scorpio and Capricorn

Chakra for which this gemstone is intended: 

Chemical Composition: Malachite is Basic Copper Carbonate

Hardness: 4

Occurrence: From a deep emerald green to a light green. Our specimens are banded in various shades of green, from Africa. Crystal structure is monoclinic and typically globular or massive, but also occurs as fibrous, tabular, radiated, and bunches. Occassionally it is also botryoidal, producing a sheen similar to that of tigereye. Some specimens may also have a crust of druse on the surface. Malachite may be found in Africa, Germany, and Arizona.

Metaphysical Properties: Stone of balance and transformation. Brings to understanding processes in one's life and body, assisting in one's spiritual evolution. Stimulates intuitive power, making one more open to change and advancement. Malachite also represents fidelity, loyalty, practicality, and responsibility. Allows for insight into emotional factors that may be manifesting as physical illness. It is known for protection against radiation and for strengthening immune system. Eases delivery in birthing, and also facilitates the re-birthing process, as it helps one to recognize and clear past negative experiences.

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